The Demonic Power Point Prestation.mp3

Hi I'm Phillp Phillpson And i love power point. Everyday I sit at my computer as a 66 year old man who has used powerpoint since 1884 when It was in telegraph form and when mincorsoft made doors a letter ios system were you could lick a smell. But after what I exprienced I won't be able to have wet dreams about powerpoint transitsions.
It all strated when I was 65 and a half years old celebrating my 65 and a half birthday when I got a bunch of powerpoint add-ons like dragonball z,porn,spongebob,porn,and squiadwards suicde and also porn. But one made me crap my pants it was call Liam Nesson pack.exe.avi.mp4.mpg.suchfile. Knowning how much I have fanstesys about Liam taking me away and recusiing me and my favriote movie being Taken 9 and Scindlier's List 5 Even Nazier I decided to try this one first.  I opened up power point on my Windows 95 computer and installed the Liam Nesson Pack. I got a messageed saying "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING DONT PLAY THIS YOUR GALBLADDER WILL BE MOVED TO YOUR ACTUALLY BLADDER DONT PLAY THIS POWER POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". So I just thought this was just a glitch from the mating season simulator I download from Orgin.
I then started the power point and I saw this drawing of Liam Nesson with hyper realistic eyes and hyper realistic man boobs I found this hot so just in case I unzipped my pants. So the next slide showed when Micheal Jackson was black I was horraffied at this and I accidentently ate my leg. But I countined on to the next slide then I saw a copy paste picture of Jeff the Killer so I took off my pants but my Dad walked in and said "Phillp I am back from NAM!!!!!!!!!!!". Then I said "GoO AWAY YOU OLD HAG YOU ARENT THE BEST GENERASTION GEN X FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". So when he left I proceeded to the next slide I saw Gabe Newall I was filled with raged cause Portal 3 wasn't confermed so  I broke my computer and went to the time machine .  So then I went back to nazi germany to take Jebadiah Newell. Anne Frank's Uncle and Gabe Newell's Cousin (Or His Dad).So I called the Nazis to Anne Frank's Hiding Spot and they took Anne to the happy land at least thats what I sounded like to me cause they were speaking Nazi.
So then I went and kidnapped Jebdiah and told him not to have kids . So when I went back to Back to the Future "MARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Gaben Newell doesn't exist anymore  and my time machine exploed and killed my cat. But then I realized no valve games anymore. So with nothing to live for I jerked off to pictures of Liam Nesson until my penis fell off and I died.